Wednesday, February 7, 2007

* what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The theme of Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451 is about how we shouldn’t be afraid of ourselves. We shouldn’t depend on the government to think for us, or the television. In the story, no one can think for themselves, so they depend on the government for things to do. Ray Bradbury makes it clear that books help people be more independent and cause them to think on their own. He says it can cause bad feelings, but when people read it, they can learn from it. Reading books made from the past help us learn the good things we can do and the bad things we can prevent from happening.

Today as a teenager it is important to understand this because we can learn the importance of reading books. Thinking independently can make the world less boring and help us learn more. It would be a boring life if we lived like the people in the book because all they do is sit in front of the television all day and follow its way of thinking. Each person wouldn’t be as unique. We should take advantage of being able to read books as teenagers while we have the freedom to read it. The more we read, the more knowledge we can keep with us and are able to spread it on to other people if the freedom of reading books is taken away. I think it would be hard to live in a time when everyone must follow what the government thinks, and full of fear that if you have a book, they will burn it with everything around it. Let’s all read!


Lucia Jeong said...
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Lucia Jeong said...

It is easy for us to forget the significance of books. We should realize how important books are for our lives as a teenager and how it can affect our lives if they are not existing.

Relying on television or the interent may be convenient,and I know that I always feel that too, but books take an importnat role in our life. That advantage is one thing we should not loose. Watching the television, you can loose your self-thinking abilities like I saw Mildred did. The boundaries of your creative thoughts will be restricted bit by bit as you watch more television. It goes the same with computers. I think reading books is far better than being brain-washed by the television or computers. I agree with you Lauren...let's all read! ^0^

African Globe Trotters. said...

Tremendous Post Lauren. You are so right - reading is what we all should be doing. Knowledge is power. Mrs.Mc