Thursday, February 8, 2007

* entry of your choice

I think that Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 novel wasn’t that interesting. I honestly think it was boring. It was supposed to be scary in a way, but to me it just sounded unrealistic. I think the reason I don’t like this book is because of the way Ray Bradbury writes. When he uses dialogue, it doesn’t sound like how people today or in the future would talk like. It sounded like robots talking and sometimes got me confused. How the characters acted in the book got me so annoyed and started to get boring instead of make me scared. An example of this is how everyone only watched the parlor or television all day and not read. The idea seems kind of stupid and unrealistic. This is probably because I have never been in a situation like the novel. I think that either people really like this book or really don’t like it. The good thing about the book is that even though it’s boring I can learn how to understand different styles of writing. However, unlike many other books, I don’t think I will read this book again. The one part I thought was really stupid in the book was when the police were having a big search for Guy Montag even though war had just started. Instead of making Guy Montag a big deal, they should have been more worried and occupied with what might happen to the city and try to find some way of protection or be more concerned with the war.


Inhye Lee said...

I totally agree with you, this book was extremely boring. Many people said it was "scary", but I didn't understand how it was scary. The only scary part was how odd the book was. I also didn't like Ray Bradbury's writing style. It's good for authors to have their own signature style, but I definitely do NOT like Bradbury's signature style. His book seems so repetitive and without meaning (e.g., "One two three four five six seven days.") Also, his writing didn't convince me that something such as what happened in the book (books are not allowed to be read or owned) would ever happen. I feel as if he didn't give enough details in the book.

African Globe Trotters. said...

I think the reality of censorship is not new. There are many countries that already censor books. In China and North Korea people are not allowed to have or read Bibles. Ray Bradbury's idea of book burning is really not that far removed, his intention is for us to never allow our thoughts to be controlled by anyone but ourselves. Mrs.Mc.