Saturday, February 10, 2007

* what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think that the climax of the novel Fahrenheit 451 is a little after Guy Montag talks with the professor and realizes what he really thinks about burning books. He wants to save them. When the firemen come into his house, they want to get rid of the books, but Guy Montag kills Beatty. He can’t go back and change things now. Since he killed a general, he can’t go back to being a normal fireman. He murdered someone from the government and his only options are to change his life completely. Guy Montag must either get arrested, or run away. He must stick to what he has started. This is the climax because it is the point of no return for him.
When Guy Montag was told to burn most of his house I was getting mad at him for just giving in to what the firemen said. After he killed Beatty I felt very happy and proud of him. Up until the climax, I found that the story was very slow moving and boring, but when I read the climax, my interest increased. There was a lot of suspense to me about whether or not Guy Montag would get caught as he was running away. The climax was fast moving and kept me reading until the end of the book all at once. The beginning events made of the novel made me feel as if the setting was sometime in the olden times, but once the search for Guy Montag was described, it made me feel as if the setting was in the future.


Anonymous said...

I am a little confused about what you think the climax of Fahrenheit 451 is. It is interesting to hear that the climax, in your point of view, is after Guy Montag talks to the professor. I agree that the climax is quite long, in my opinion. It is funny to hear that you were proud of Guy when he killed Captain Beatty. What made you think that way? I'm just curious :). I was surprised and tense when Guy Montag had to run away to different places. I didn't know if he would make it without being caught by the police, helicopters, and especially, the Mechanical Hound. I wonder if this will actually happen in our future. I mean, why wouldn't it? Technology is advancing so quickly, that sooner or later, without us even knowing it, we'll depend only on technology.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Excellent questions Joanne - Lauren the climax is when the murder takes place. This is a super post. Mrs.Mc.